Top Novice Teacher Concerns
As supported by Research

Classroom Management
Curriculum, Instructional Delivery (Pedagogy), and Assessments
Support environments lacking specific, targeted PD and consistent, meaningful feedback during the implementation process.
Why Are New Teachers Important?
The highest daily IMPACT on student achievement is a quality teacher. Unfortunately, our nation is facing a crisis reflected in at least 389,000 fewer K-12 teachers. With these deficits, our systems are forced to place teachers in positions, sometimes without the necessary tools and resources needed to be successful. IMPACT Teaching Training and Leadership Development is a company with a passion and determination to help NEW TEACHERS (years 0-3) by providing them resources needed to become grounded and comfortable with the art of teaching. Our goal is to keep qualified teachers in the classroom by offering predesigned and custom professional development, along with 3-tiered coaching.What We Offer.
Onsite Coaching.
Our "3-Tier IMPACT" onsite coaching is inclusive of the practitioners who actually use the strategies, our teachers. All observations are videoed to allow teachers an opportunity to see themselves in action, and expedite the growth process! We then follow our coaching by ensuring sustainability methods are shared with campus instructional teams at the conclusion of each visit.Online Coaching.
"3-Tier IMPACT" online coaching works slightly different, and is a bit more intimate. Each teacher is assigned a master teacher according to their content area. This allows for both pedagogical and content specific guidance. All teachers receive the same observation and feedback, but in modules and based on school and teacher need or preference. Our predesigned modules are below:MODULE ONE
Beginning of Year Prep(4 Weeks)
- Parent Engagement & Communication
- LP Design
- Expectations
- Data/Test Prep
Sign Up
(8-12 Weeks)
- Classroom Management
- Instructional Delivery
- Pacing
- Engagement
Sign Up
(8-12 Weeks)
- Check for Understanding
- Engagement
- Differentiated Instruction
- Questioning
Sign Up
You can also build your own module based on the needs of your campus!
Looking for New Teacher Induction Options?
IMPACT has designed an inservice just for new teachers called, “Entry Level Superstar!” This professional development is designed to provide support beyond the theory. We teach our new teachers:
- classroom management is more than managing behavior
- Professional Learning Communities through lesson planning
- data collection and use
- differentiated instruction
- parent teacher relationships
...just to name a few
Through Entry Level Superstar, IMPACT is able to provide ongoing support and resources throughout the year, so new teachers get the help they need to have a successful first year!
New Teacher Suite.
Tools, tools, and more tools! Please take some time to enjoy some of the free handouts on this page. Don’t see anything that can help you? Want something designed just for you? Send us feedback and we will design it and post it for you!Get Your Resources Now
Webinars & Online Courses